Quality and Standards

Burmatex® Limited is a United Kingdom based, carpet tile & plank manufacturer. 0ur purpose is British made flooring solutions creating sustainable value globally.

In order to deliver consistent high quality products, Burmatex® has adopted the ISO 9001:2015 QMS Management system. To reduce its impact on the environment Burmatex® is adopting ISO 14001:2015 EMS Management system. In line with our values, notably of ‘Excellence’, the senior management team are committed to the protection of the environment, prevention of pollution and its obligations to legal compliance within the context of the organisation.  Furthermore to continually improve the quality in every aspect of our business and reducing its environmental impact.

All processes and procedures are embedded in our Standard Operating Procedures. These are reviewed on an annual basis through the use of internal and external auditing, the results of which are reviewed annually through the QMS and EMS processes.

Carpet tiles: cordiale, lateral at Hartsdown Academy

Quality Policy

Download our Burmatex® Quality Environmental Policy.

We will endeavour to:

  1. Reduce our carbon footprint by the use of low carbon and carbon neutral products in both existing products and new products wherever feasible.
  2. Reduce the need for natural resources by monitoring raw material and energy usage and looking to drive down their use wherever possible.
  3. Striving to source alternative sustainable raw materials wherever possible.
  4. Reduce waste to landfill by customers nationally, by the use of our take back service for carpet tiles & planks from site, working towards a circular economy solution for our markets and on-site waste.
  5. Stop landfill waste from the factory and continually measuring recyclable waste.
  6. Continually improve and further develop the EMS & QMS management systems through regular review.
  7. Meet all expectations of our customers through the monitoring and measuring of all processes from sales through to final delivery.
  8. Embed our Sustainability Principles, eco2matters® into our strategic thinking and commercial activity.

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Senior Leadership Management Team and subsequently communicated to all employees through briefings, internal memos, and training.  Additionally, it is available on request to interested external parties.

Mederic Payne
Chief Executive Officer