Environmental Certificates

Burmatex® hold a number of environmental certifications against the most influential industry standards, with a range of carpet tiles, planks and roll options available that rank among the best in terms of overall environmental impact.

Our full product range is manufactured using 100% renewable energy and has been awarded with A+ VOC rating following the assessment of new builds. Particularly reviewing the sustainability of project materials and the amount of harmful Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) they emit.

Burmatex® manufactures and designs also boast a product range that adheres to SKA standards and qualifies for LEED accreditation, contributing towards satisfying a number of credits for the LEED v4 project certification covering the sustainability performance of materials in aggregate.

Burmatex® products can contribute to the WELL Building Standard™, which focuses on the people and healthy workspaces.

burmatex is an A+ BRE listed company

Only 100% renewable energy is used in Burmatex® manufacturing.

certificate - burmatex uses renewable energy

Against alternate flooring solutions, carpet tiles are one of the lowest emitters of VOC’s, with Burmatex® holding an A+ VOC rating.

Volatile Organic Compounds (or VOC’s) are emitted by most building materials at some point in their useful life. This statement on the level of emission of volatile substances into indoor air (posing a toxic threat during inhaling) rates a building material (on a scale from A+ to C) depending on the level of emissions during the products useful life.

burmatex - VOC certificate

All Burmatex® products qualify under SKA. SKA indicates the sustainable profile of a refurbished building. Building materials are measured against a number of standards and can be awarded SKA accreditation or be said to ‘qualify’ under SKA.

All Burmatex® products qualify for LEED accreditation. LEED is an American certification which evaluates the sustainable profile of a new building (with ratings for final builds ranging from certified to platinum).

LEED® v4 – Burmatex® products can contribute towards satisfying the following credits for LEED v4: NC-v4/CI-v4 MRc2/MRc3 (Building product disclosure and optimization – environmental product declarations), MRc3/MRc4 (Building product disclosure and optimization – sourcing of raw materials), EQc1 (Enhanced indoor air quality strategies), EQc2 (Low-emitting materials), EQc6 (Interior lighting – Option 2. Lighting quality (E – H)) and EQc9 (Acoustic Performance). Products are not reviewed under LEED. LEED credit requirements cover the performance of materials in aggregate, not the performance of individual products or brands. For more information on LEED, visit www.usgbc.org/contact