EPD® – Environmental Product Declaration
An EPD® is a certified Environmental Product Declaration, which specifies environmental data over the life cycle of products in accordance with the international standard ISO 14025. EPD present transparent, verified and comparable information about the life-cycle environmental impact of products.
An EPD is a standardized way to quantify the environmental performance of a product, process or system and to report on it. EPDs are based on a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
In practice an EPD is a report containing market-driven and verified facts about the environmental performance of goods, i.e. carpets. One of the most important applications for EPDs is green procurement in the public and private sector, as the EPD provides a basis for comparing environmental performance of products.
The aim of EPD is to inform user of the environmental credentials of construction products and to enable the evaluation and benchmarking of whole buildings in the UK and across the globe.
If you are an architect, you can easily compare the EPD data of the materials you are about to use and choose the most sustainable option.
EPD can be used externally for marketing materials and internally for the improvement of product manufacture, or process efficiency. They can also feed into whole building assessment schemes, other comparative tools, and building information modelling (BIM) CAD software.
As Burmatex® is committed to environment standards all our products are now assessed with EPD certifications.
All Burmatex® EPDs:
- Provide objective and transparent information about the environmental performance of our carpet products to our customers as part of Burmatex® sustainability and environmental policy
- Reflect continuously on the environmental improvement of our carpets product and our manufacturing processes
- Provide credibility through a third party verified EPD (Environdec)
- Demonstrate the environmental awareness of our actions